Day Thirteen: Book Day

The goal for today was actually finishing cleaning the Portland apartment, and stopping by a debut party for our friend Travis’ new movie. But first! A few hours doing the best part of moving: the book unpacking.

The long line of Fiction books sorted into the living room for unpacking

Talina, working on the non-fiction in the family room.

Book unpacking aftermath in the kitchen. So many boxes for sheet mulching the garden!

Unpacking Day

The day after Moving Day is Unpacking Day, of course! Our goal for the day was to clear the family room so that we could clean the rug with a borrowed carpet cleaner. Success!

[thethe-image-slider name="Unpacking Day"]

… and then, of course, we moved stuff right back in and made a mess again. But this time it’s an ORGANIZED mess on clean carpet! See? Progress.

We also managed to decrease the size of the pile in the craft room (I’ll admit, a lot of that had to do with just moving the pile into the Spare ‘Oom at the end of the hall, but still, I’m going to claim it a win)

We got the living room furniture an a first incarnation… starting to look like a house! The trim in this room looks awesome – thanks to Stephen for painting it and to my brother for installing the floor trim.

Last, a view into the dining room from the living room – you can see that we have not yet accomplished the book unpacking, we’re saving that as a treat for tomorrow. :)

Moving Day!

We’ve had keys to the new place for 11 days now, time to get this show on the road.

All our stuff in one place: stacked high in the family room. So many amazing friends helped us make this happen… Thank you to our amazing neighbors Ben and Val, to Talina’s classmate Spencer who came and helped despite getting food poisoning over the holiday weekend, to my sister Ana and especially to our friend Brian, who repayed many moves over by showing up not only in Portland BUT following us out to Gaston and helping unload there, too!

A smaller pile of stuff working it’s way into the craft room for sorting.

The kitchen, already mostly moved before Moving Day, acquiring a small stack of stuff.

After moving everything, we took advantage of the afternoon and the hand truck from Uhaul, and went to buy a Craigslist washer and dryer. Thank you a million times to Thaddeus who singlehandedly hauled them DOWN A SET OF STEEP STAIRS and into the trailer. Awesome.

Work Break: Merry Christmas!

For mental health reasons, we all took the Christmas holiday off from work on the house.. Although we did work enough to be able to host Christmas dinner there with my dad’s family!


No furniture in the living room yet, but we got a tree from the neighbor down the road and put the presents under it. Sitting on the new flooring is the best way to celebrate, anyway!

Day Seven: One Week!

Thursday – Talina arrived home from Nicaragua this evening. Here’s a few quick shots of what we were able to accomplish at the new house before I left to pick her up!

Talina has wanted a world flag for a while now.. I thought it would be the perfect Welcome Home.

The master bedroom, floor finished, accented by our new green chair given to us by our awesome neighbors in Portland.

Ana prepped the wall and drew the designs on the sides, Talina wrote across the top.

Day Six: Wrapping Up

Wednesday. With the craft and spare room done, it’s time to move on to the living room and master bedroom..

The living room half-done. This was the tough part, lots of measuring and cutting to get around the corners here.

Master bedroom, half done.


Trim pieces, out to dry after being painted on a drop cloth in the craft room.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Quick ‘video’ of us finishing up with with master bedroom floor. Measure, cut. Measure, cut.

Day Five: Floors Galore

By the time I arrived Tuesday, Thaddeus and Lela already had made awesome progress on the Craft Room floor:


Going to try a different approach on images for the next bit… so you can really see the progress in the living room as we removed the stack of flooring, ripped up the carpet, and DISCOVERED AN DISGUSTING AMOUNT OF DIRT.
[thethe-image-slider name="Floor Installation 1"]

I’m never going to get over all that dirt under the carpet Seriously. Ew.

Day Four: Let The Floors Begin

Monday already! The painting is basically done except some touching up, so it’s time to get started on the floors! Thaddeus and Lela had already made major progress ripping out the carpet in the craft room and bedroom before I even got to the house in the morning.

Carpet gone, carpet padding on it’s way out in the (newly green!) master bedroom.

My brother’s dog, Sucia, a little confused by the new lack of ugly blue carpet in the (amazingly orange!) craft room.

Thaddeus, doing the monster walk to pull out tacks and nails left over from carpet removal.

Midday we took a break, and took a walk with the goats around the property… even got a bit lost in the process! Imagine, we got lost on our OWN LAND.

It was getting late and we knew we could make much progress, but decided to go ahead and start on one room just to make sure there weren’t any kinks in the process that would keep us from getting further along on Tuesday… Here’s the first row of flooring going into the craft room…


And this is about where we stopped, upon reaching the wall of too-sleepy-to-do-anymore-math. Amazing progress for one day and 3 people!